Stamp Orders
All stamps issued by Capricornia Post which are denominated in Common Wallaroo (CW) can be ordered internationally through the philately department ( at face value, plus a handling and shipping fee of CW 5. For registered shipping, CW 3.50 have to be added. Export Exchange Rate and Payment
Capricornia Post has been granted a special Export Exchange Rate for payments in US$ and €, with both currently set at CW 1 = US$ 1.00 = 1.00 €. Payment is possible using Paypal and EU Bank Transfer. All export orders shipped to countries outside the Federated Micronations will be handled through yourstamps . Payment is due after receival of the stamps, except for large orders or selected countries, according to the yourstamps terms of service. Standing Orders
It is possible to make a Standing Order for all Capricornia Post and all CPEA issues, based on Year Sets. Standing Orders will be shipped once a year, usually in January for the stamps of the past year. For this, no shipping or handling charge will be applied. |